Wandelen - Audio opdrachten -
impactvol leiderschap
Wandelen - Audio opdrachten -
impactvol leiderschap
Wandelen - Audio opdrachten -
impactvol leiderschap
Marlies Tousain
As an experienced marketing director at Red Bull, among others, Marlies understands the importance of the connection between the individual, the brand and the organisation. It drives her to translate authentic power to actual actions. This way, she guides leaders and brands in the transition to a purpose-driven organisation with a positive impact.
She always works spiritedly, critically and hands-on. She analyses the business as a whole and digs quickly to the core. Like no other, Marlies know that successful brands are not built by marketing departments or advertising agencies; but arise from the team effort of the entire organisation.
In different commercial (executive) positions, Marlies gained experience in the Champions League of major FMGC brands (e.g. Unilever, Heineken, SAB Miller). Furthermore, she is involved in many organisations on the rise, NGO’s and fast-growing start-ups.
As an MT sidekick, she is the unique combination of an Executive Advisor and a Personal Coach. By focussing on both the clear story and the consecutive movement, she helps leaders to enlarge their impact.
Her urge for more authenticity and spirit in the board room motivated Marlies to start her own business. This professional change came as a result of a personal one. The enthusiasm and uniqueness that had led her to the top had disappeared over time . Because, despite the amazing experiences she had, the corporate working environment felt more and more like an oppressive, plastic wrap to her. Marlies experienced at firsthand how hard it is to keep your spirits up and stay true to your personal strengths and energies in a rigid system.
After completing multiple professional coach and leadership trainings, Tousain specialised in helping business leaders to overcome similar downwards spirals and keep the spirt alive. Now, she assists frontrunners in the transition to a new system; one with a positive impact on nature and society, one with purpose-driven growth, one with authentic leaders who inspire others with their actions.
Marlies is a Certified Leadership Coach and took multiple coaching and leadership courses. To unveil the main problems fast, she uses systemic work and organisational setups. If the assignment calls for it, Marlies collaborates with the perfect combination of experts from her hand-picked network of talented, like-minded professionals.
As a partner, mother of two, and entrepreneur, Marlies’ private life and career are strongly entangled. Driven by freedom, pleasure and ambition, every new phase offers opportunities for beautiful adventures. Or, as Land Rover says: One life, live it.
Marlies is also the founder of Impact Company.